Since Mustang Bobby is slacking up in Canada, I guess I'll have to do an honest blogger's work for a change. So, without further ado;
Friday Blog-A-Round
with the Liberal Coalition.
Friday Blog-A-Round
with the Liberal Coalition.
Damn, that's a lot of work. MB, you are one dedicated blogger, my man. Tell you what, you steal my code this week. You deserve a break.
- A Blog Around The Clock discusses his pet peeve about business not embracing telecommuting.
- Arcy notes that Andrew Sullivan notes that John McCain believes, by his own new stance on torture, that he was not tortured while a POW.
- Mustang Bobby at Bark Bark Woof Woof is enjoying a fine performance by Christopher Plummer as Julius Caesar.
- Moi of Bloggg is still not off the couch.
- Dohiyi Mir's resident activist, NTodd, hopes for recognition.
- ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES: So much for calling them "she."
- Florida Progressive Coalition Blog's Kenneth Quinnel's selection of 10 stories to read.
- LEFT is RIGHT on more of the same old corruption.
- Lefty Side of the Dial on being married, gamers, and podcasters.
- Liberty Street with some health care statistics.
- Musing's musings is leaning towards not voting for a man endorsed by the worse president ever.
- Pen-Elayne on the Web: Seriously, Elayne, I didn't know that sparrows could fart.
- Rook's Rant (that would be ME!) on Republican cannibalism. You think eating ribs is messy.
- rubber hose: It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.
- Scrutiny Hooligans: This is your blog on Freud. And that ain't no cigar!
- SoonerThought thinks this its rich. Is there also a creamy filling?
- Speedkill wants to be able to swear and cuss.
- Stupid Enough Unexplanation note that those claiming Obama needs to put persistent rumors about his religious affiliation to rest are the ones circulating the rumors in the first place.
- The Invisible Library discusses the political leanings of Superheros.
- WTF Is It Now?!?! loves the smell of desperation in November.
- The Yellow Doggerel Democrat believes houses don't count, or can't count, or forget to count, or some such thing.