Have a great weekend.archy gives us the details on just what it takes to kill someone. Bark Bark Woof Woof on right-wing college hijinks. blogAmY is busy. Moi at bloggg rants about music students' practice habits. Collective Sigh on the continuing problems at FEMA. the farmer is back at Corrente and remembering a great president. Dodecahedron has a suggestion for Apple's mouse. NTodd wonders if our college students is learning? Echidne of the Snakes has a lesson in economics; well worth the read. firedoglake on Chris Matthews knowing a terrorist when he sees one. First Draft has Scott McClellan getting goosed at the gaggle. The Fulcrum on the failure of leadership in environmental protection. Happy Furry Puppy on google-bombing the snoops. iddybud on who's tougher. Left is Right on why we bother to fight. Liberty Street reports on Human Rights Watch's latest. Make Me a Commentator has a short history on Iran. Musing's musings on Googling for porn. Pen-Elayne recovers from a shattering encounter with flying arboreal extensions. Rook's Rant goes job hunting. rubber hose reviews the new Albert Brooks film. Science and Politics reveals his spicy side. Scrutiny Hooligans on planting the seeds of the future. Sooner Thought: Trent Lott is a cheap date. Speedkill has fun with the "christian" press. Steve Gilliard comments on the comments at the WaPo. T. Rex on violent films. The Countess on spectral writer's block. Wanda is in rare agreement with Bill O'Reilly. WTF Is It Now?? on the latest from OBL. The Yellow Doggerel Democrat on Texas politics. ...You Are A Tree proves that trees travel.
Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.