
Friday, July 21, 2006

Friday Blogaround 

Here's the latest and greatest from The Liberal Coalition.
  • A Blog Around The Clock revisits a post on Ward Churchill.
  • All Facts and Opinions shows what's changed now that Massachusetts allows gay marriage.
  • John at archy pokes his head up to say he's still alive.
  • Bark Bark Woof Woof on Bush at the NAACP.
  • blogAmY on the recent heat wave in Boston.
  • bloggg on Republican tampering with an important piece of autism legislation.
  • Collective Sigh is in recuperation...best wishes!
  • NTodd on who blogs.
  • Echidne has a naive look at power.
  • FDL keeps up with the Lieberman/Lamont race.
  • First Draft looks into the NOLA Medical Center deaths.
  • Happy Furry Puppy has the latest leftie outrages.
  • iddybud has the podcast of Jimmy Carter and John Edwards.
  • Left Is Right has something to say about stem-cell research.
  • Lefty asks the question; are you better off?
  • Liberty Street on who started the fight in Lebanon.
  • Make Me a Commentator has been visiting the dark side.
  • Musing's musings sends in some vacation pictures.
  • Pen-Elayne discusses last Sunday's Doonesbury.
  • Rick catches us up with his show schedule.
  • Rook's Rant on compassion.
  • rubber hose analyzes our response to the conflict in Lebanon.
  • Scrutiny Hooligans notes the passing of the Taliban, according to Rumsfeld.
  • Sooner Thought on a moonlighting cop.
  • Speedkill on the Bush veto.
  • Steve Gilliard wonders where the anti-Semitic bloggers are.
  • T. Rex will interview Alex Sink, Democratic candidate for Florida's Chief Financial Officer today at 1 ET.
  • The Countess dives into the sex wars.
  • The Invisible Library celebrated the anniversary of the moon landing with some cool pic links.
  • WTF Is It Now?? on the DeWine ad.
  • The Yellow Doggerel Democrat on the right's worst nightmare: liberals with money.
  • ...You Are A Tree has a brief history of search engines.
  • Don't talk with your mouth full.

    Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.

    Wednesday, July 19, 2006

    Blogging At A New Blog! 

    In case anyone is interested, I am now blogging at Vote For Change, Vote Coleen Rowley. She is running against John Kline, that locked-stepped-to-Bush Congresscritter. And it looks to be an ugly fight, at least from John Kline supporters and campaign staff.

    More to come, I am sure.

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    Tuesday, July 18, 2006

    FL-CFO: Live Interview with Florida CFO Candidate Alex Sink 

    This Friday, from 1-2 PM, Democratic candidate for Florida's Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Alex Sink will be participating in a live interview and chat with the Florida Progressive Coalition on Gather.com.

    Sink is the great-granddaughter of the original Siamese twins Chang & Eng and the wife of former Democratic gubernatorial candidate Bill McBride, but she has made a name for herself in the world of banking and is seeking to make waves in the world of politics as the first Democrat elected to the position of Chief Financial Officer.

    Those who would like to ask the candidate questions should post them to this comment thread between now and Friday at 1 p.m. The best questions will be asked of the candidate from 1:30-2:00 during the open question period of the interview. To post questions directly on Gather.com, you must be a member. (Sign up here)

    To view the live interview, go to the Floridians for Alex group on Gather.com.

    This election will pit Sink against the winner of the Republican Primary, either Randy Johnson or State Senate President Tom Lee. While Johnson and Lee slug it out over who is the more "real" Republican, the citizens of Florida continue to face serious problems that neither of these candidates or current CFO Tom Gallagher seem to want to address.

    While few voters seem to know what it is the CFO does, the job is actually quite important. Among the many duties of the CFO are managing the state treasury, fighting waste, fraud and abuse in government, growth management, regulating the funeral and cemetary industry, ensuring access to affordable health insurance, cracking down on insurance fraud, overseeing the workers' compensation system, promoting fire safety, serving as the state's accountant, protecting Florida's environment, improving school quality and helping Florida's veterans. After eight years of neglect and the pursuit of privatization by the Republicans in Florida, many of these areas -- waste, fraud, abuse, education and the environment -- are in critical condition and need an dedicated and more progressive champion.

    The CFO also helps serve as a check on the governor, something that is particularly important if either of the Jeb Bush-wannabes win the election (Gallagher or Charlie Crist).

    Maybe the most important issue the CFO will deal with is the emerging crisis in the area of homeowner's insurance in the wake of the plague of hurricanes the state has faced in recent years. While the CFO doesn't directly regulate the insurance industry, the office does serve as the public's advocate in dealing with the insurance industry.

    Sink has embraced the cutting edge of technology in her campaign, with a well-designed web site, an official blog which she actually posts to and this Friday's interview with the biggest coalition of bloggers in Florida.

    The Florida Progressive Coalition is a new group of Florida bloggers and activists dedicated to fighting Republican domination of Florida government and pursuing more progressive policies in the Sunshine State. You can learn more about us here.

    Again, those who would like to ask the candidate questions should post them to this comment thread between now and Friday at 1 p.m. The best questions will be asked of the candidate from 1:30-2:00 during the open question period of the interview. To post questions directly on Gather.com, you must be a member. (Sign up here)

    To view the live interview, go to the Floridians for Alex group on Gather.com.

    And don't forget to join us Friday to learn more about the Democratic candidate for this important position.

    Two Things You Should Never, Ever Talk About Ever Again 

    The Green Knight
    Religion and politics, natch.

    Awww, what the hell, let's give it the old college try anyway:

    Just because someone claims to be secular does not prevent them from being religious. And just because someone is religious does not preclude them from being secular.

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