Have a good weekend. Skip the movie and read some literary blogs.All Facts and Opinions has the Lay/Skilling story. archy on Bill O'Reilly's blasphemy. Bark Bark Woof Woof reviews The Da Vinci Code. blogAmY reminds us that the Taliban is still around. bloggg finds there are college possibilities for all kids. Collective Sigh speaks up about a moment of silence. NTodd on the possibility of living a longer life. Echidne on long life...and chocolate. the farmer has a Tippy Hedron moment. FDL on Bob Novak covering Karl Rove's commodious ass. First Draft updates Bush's polls. The Fulcrum has the story of some pissed-off West Pointers. Happy Furry Puppy celebrates a blogiversary as only HFPST can. iddybud takes the pledge. Left is Right on laptops for every kid. Lefty has a meme of all sorts of things. Liberty Street burns up Mort Kondracke. Make Me a Commentator has an idea for the next round of American Idol. MercuryX23 gets involved in his new hometown politics. Musing's musings has the local take on the Hastert flap. Pen-Elayne with more pictures and commetary from her trip to the Scepter'd Isle. Rook's Rant on Ray Nagin's re-election. rubber hose has a link to a map that lets you know if you live in a place where you might someday need a snorkel to get to work. Coturnix takes Manhattan. Scrutiny Hooligans reveals the truth -- some wingers are really thick. Sooner Thought reports on Dodd seeking the nod. Speedkill on education in Saudi Arabia. Steve Gilliard on the cost of corruption in New Orleans. Nat at T. Rex on the importance of stem-cell research and the false science behind the lies of those who are against it. The Countess on the best beer in the world. The Invisible Library has news of a scientific discovery with a very Harry Potter connection. WTF Is It Now?? on Rudy's image with the GOP in NY. The Yellow Doggerel Democrat on George F. Will's language problem. ...You Are A Tree on a blistering floor speech in Congress.
Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.