It's a holiday weekend in North America. Have a great time!A Blog Around The Clock ties science to politics. All Facts and Opinions celebrates the fact that the military catches up with the 1970's on some things. archy on Rush's rush to judgement on drugs. Bark Bark Woof Woof on an uncharitable priest. blogAmY does her own little news cruise. bloggg has some photos of new life crowding the nest. Collective Sigh lists her holiday plans. NTodd gets a new camera. Echidne on Sen. Obama's advise on religion. FDL on the limits of decency of certain Hardball guests. First Draft on how some leaked news actually helped fight crime. Happy Furry Puppy previews the summer movies. iddybud on spirituality and the next election. Left Is Right: You say you want a revolution... Lefty on the latest comic cross-over. Liberty Street on the Boston Globe's coverage of signing statements. Make Me A Commentator offers a bit of theatre. Musing's musings on flags and poles. Pen-Elayne asks a comic geek some questions. Respectful of Otters on pro-choice motherhood. Rook's Rant addresses an oversight. rubber hose on the Supreme Court ruling and FISA. Scrutiny Hooligans on a Congressman who can't make up his mind. Sooner Thought on the Kentucky governor's health advice. Speedkill notes a step forward for tolerance in Arkansas. Steve Gilliard braces for Willie Horton II in New Jersey. T. Rex on the Supremes doing their job. The Countess got some interesting comments on her blog. WTF Is It Now?? on a Democrat striking back. The Yellow Doggerel Democrat and the active audience. ...You Are A Tree links to a great story about how to scam a Nigerian scammer.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Friday Blogaround
What does the Liberal Coalition have to share this week?