
Friday, August 05, 2005

Friday Blogaround 

I could swear I saw Bob Novak flip off the press before he told James Carville to go fuck himself, but it all may be bullshit. You know how those right-wingers are with their anger issues...

Meanwhile, let's see what The Liberal Coalition is taking time out to write about this week.

  • archy continues his discussion on intelligent design creationism.
  • Bark Bark Woof Woof looks at the try-outs for 2008.
  • blogAmY and David count down to the big day.
  • Join the bloggg blogathon for autism.
  • Chris gets groovy with the Monkees.
  • Collective Sigh helps a well-muscled ballplayer accept responsibility.
  • Leah at Corrente looks into one judge's journey through terror.
  • Dodecahedron on right-wing disconnect.
  • Dohiyi Mir on feeling secure.
  • Echidne takes a look at real family values.
  • firedoglake on the trouble with MSNBC.
  • First Draft says happy birthday to Helen Thomas.
  • The Fulcrum on the body count.
  • Changes are coming to The Gamer's Nook.
  • Happy Furry Puppy goes to a presidential press conference.
  • iddybud hears from a soldier just back from Iraq.
  • Left Is Right is glad the president is on vacation.
  • Liberty Street on Bush's support for his friends.
  • Make Me a Commentator has some advice for Ann Coulter.
  • Michael follows up on the Vanity Fair article on Denny Hastert.
  • Pen-Elayne is on light blogging patrol.
  • Rick on Frist's first step.
  • Rook's Rant has his own thoughts on I.D.
  • rubber hose on the complexities of language.
  • Everything you wanted to know about Diet Coke is at Science and Politics.
  • Scrutiny Hooligans on the high price of oil.
  • SoonerThought on violent outbursts.
  • Jeff at Speedkill is looking for book on Western philosophy. Any suggestions?
  • Steve Gilliard on spam and how it's not just an annoyance any more.
  • T. Rex on self-loathing conservatives.
  • The Invisible Library on the philosophy of Harry Potter.
  • The Countess on why insecure guys buy SUV's.
  • Wanda on the last throes.
  • WTF Is It Now on many things.
  • The Yellow Doggerel Democrat finds a supplier for Bob Novak.

    Hey, I get some time off next week; just five days instead of five weeks, but then I'm not the Leader of the Free World.