Well, what are you waiting for?archy has the fake photo story. Bark Bark Woof Woof on the right's obsession with naughty bits. blogAmY wants to fight global warming. bloggg wants you to know that April is National Autism Month. Collective Sigh looks into job opportunities for reformed hookers. Dodecahedron on spontaneous language formation. Dohiyi Mir stands up for the porn industry. Echidne bids goodbye to Hank. the farmer has a review of a documentary about people who brought down a president. FDL finds Joe Lieberman in trouble. First Draft takes a "journalist" to task. Happy Furry Puppy tells tales of the seven states that still approve of Bush. iddybud on the departure of Andrew Card. Left is Right:Google goes satanic, along with other news. Best wishes to Lefty's wife for a swift recovery. Liberty Street on the fascinating dilemma posed by a medical mystery in Pakistan. Make Me a Commentator has a solution to the border guard problem. Michael clears one hurdle and relaxes before the next. Pen-Elayne wraps up Estrogen month and gets well. Rick on a sticky situation. Send some love to Rook's Rant as he goes off to his new job. rubber hose on law'n'order in Iraq. Coturnix has a question that reminds me of a line from Inherit the Wind: "Does a sponge think?" Scrutiny Hooligans looks into his local congresscritter: Part 1 of many to come. Sooner Thought reminds us that Kevin Phillips thought two years ago that Bush could be impeached. Speedkill introduces us to a Taliban-like college here in Florida. Steve Gilliard on the new xenophobia. T. Rex finds a senator who has a problem with democracy. Wanda and Scott share their views on justice for the accused. WTF Is It Now?? reports on Ann Coulter's legal problems here in Florida. The Yellow Doggerel Democrat shares the news that there's more of us then there is of them. ...You Are A Tree has a Lost clue.
Cross-posted (and backdated) from Bark Bark Woof Woof