Bombs in London, Karl Rove under the microscope, a hurricane in the Caribbean heading for the panhandle of Florida. What else is going on?
archy marks the 80th anniversary of the Scopes trial with a discussion on creationism.Bark Bark Woof Woof has the second part of a discussion on what's more important -- impeachment or running the country.blogAmY lets Bernard Goldberg have it.bloggg is getting squirrelly.Chris gears up for ComicCon in SD.Collective Sigh notes that some people will blame anything on anybody.Corrente finds that rich conservatives can be silly, too.Dodecahedron has some reactions to the bombings in London.NTodd recalls some thoughts on the war on terror.Echidne on the litmus tests.firedoglake looks behind the Rove-Fitzgerald connection.First Draft wonders when they'll hit the New York subways.The Gamer's Nook photographs a checkers game.Happy Furry Puppy recalls first-hand experiences with explosives in London.iddybud links to London bloggers.In Search of Telford preps for $3 a gallon for gas.It's Craptastic notes a glitch in the "culture of life."Left is Right offers some diversions for Friday.Liberty Street makes a connection between the DSM and Valerie Plame leak.Make Me A Commentator offers some advice to Fox News's Brian Kilmeade.Michael is in delights over the return of hockey.Pen-Elayne has links to statements about the London bombings from people that matter.Rick throws back some words to Mr. Bush.Rook's Rant cleans up.rubber hose finds out what really matters.Science and Politics finds out what women want in a man.Scrutiny Hooligans on hunting for OBL.SoonerThought on diplomatic language.Speedkill on comic mallardry.Steve Gilliard shares some mail.T. Rex has a historical perspective.The Invisible Library on book burning.Trish Wilson on cat's games.Wanda gets giddy over Rove in chains.WTF Is It Now? has some thoughts on London, too.The Yellow Doggerel Democrat gets some material information.
The hatches are battened down.
Cross-posted at Bark Bark Woof Woof.