Enjoy the read.All Facts and Opinions takes Ford for a drive. archy takes on the Christmas warriors. Bark Bark Woof Woof ... quotes ... Pinter. blogAmY has a game for you. bloggg sees the lights. Chris is flightless. Collective Sigh is not having a good pre-holiday run of luck. CorrenteWire asks some simple questions. Dodecahedron gives the Wall Street Journal a heart attack. Dohiyi Mir says the Democrats can be united. Echidne of the Snakes on our own scientific ignorance. firedoglake on the Republican fingerpointing. First Draft has some questions for Sam Donaldson. The Fulcrum on Republican fiscal discipline and other such lies. Happy Furry Puppy calls the cops. Harry Dogwater )~ passes on a story about Jerry Falwell losing a bet. Jude at iddybud has lost her mother to breast cancer. Please stop by her site and express your thoughts. Left is Right offers a poetic warning. Liberty Street responds to some questions on abortion. Make Me a Commentator on Christmas war profiteers. MercuryX23 quotes Lennon. Musing's musings on what happens when furry woodland creatures get hungry. Pen-Elayne has a scare; get well soon! Rook's Rant on branding the Republicans (no, not that kind of brand like the ones they use on the ranch, but hey, not a bad idea...) rubber hose gets noticed by a "semi-coherent" rightie. Science and Politics has some news from science. Scrutiny Hooligans wants to know if there's a spare $100 billion (that's $100,000,000,000.00) lying around. Sooner Thought agrees with Howard Dean. Speedkill sees the right-wing's alleged "war on Christmas" as veiled (or not so veiled) anti-Semitism. Steve Gilliard and Jimmy Breslin take on Hillary. T. Rex has an entry on Bad Religion. The Countess on careful investing. The Invisible Library re-casts Star Trek. Wanda has some thoughts on bringing the boys (and girls) home. WTF Is It Now?? says Congress will shut down for DeLay's trial. The Yellow Doggerel Democrat has a moving experience. ...You Are a Tree thinks of a family.
Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.