
Friday, September 02, 2005

Friday Blogaround - Beyond Katrina 

All of The Liberal Coalition have posts about the disaster on the Gulf Coast. But there are some other stories and posts worth considering as well:

  • archy has the Carnival of Bad History Part 3.
  • Bark Bark Woof Woof on yet another reason to go to war in Iraq.
  • blogAmY has something planned next weekend.
  • bloggg has a message for SUV drivers.
  • Chris deals with a personal tragedy.
  • Collective Sigh on the finest constitution money can buy.
  • Corrente has some information on John Roberts...remember him?
  • Dodecahedron has some cutting remarks.
  • Dohiyi Mir finds humor in vandalism.
  • Echidne on someone with courage, formerly in the Bush administration.
  • firedoglake and John Warner want to hear from Rumsfeld.
  • First Draft has a clip of Wes Clark.
  • The Fulcrum on the ongoing evolution of the evolution/creationism debate.
  • Gamer's Nook thinks of music.
  • Happy Furry Puppy on intelligent people and others.
  • iddybud on the rising tide of poverty.
  • Jesse has an opinion on the best blogger (no, it's not me.)
  • Left Is Right is back from Crawford.
  • Liberty Street on Iraq, the stampede, and World War II.
  • Make Me a Commentator on what people want.
  • MercuryX23 shows off the latest model.
  • Michael writes his congressman.
  • Pen-Elayne is hunting wabbits.
  • Rook's Rant wonders about the whereabouts of the Baghdad blogger known as Riverbend.
  • rubber hose on reason number ___ for going to war in Iraq.
  • Science and Politics on countering the CCFC.
  • Scrutiny Hooligans finds some good news.
  • SoonerThought on the perils of promotion.
  • Speedkill on crazy people.
  • Steve Gilliard's News Blog is all Katrina, but not just the news.
  • T. Rex has a message for Fred Phelps.
  • The Invisible Library on theology and nature.
  • The Countess on an alphabetical meme.
  • Wanda has a letter to the president from one of his own.
  • WTF Is It Now reminds us of the good old days.
  • The Yellow Doggerel Democrat is helping out his unexpected visitors.

    That's all for now.

    Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.

  • Thursday, September 01, 2005

    Playing Politics? 

    "I hope people don't play politics during this time. This is a natural disaster the likes of which this country may not have seen before. What we need to do is to come together as a nation... there will be ample time for politics."--Bush

    So Mr. President, when you are criticized, it is by people playing politics, eh?

    Oh, you mean play politics like you did on 9/11, stand there with a fireman, flag and bullhorn? Or when you used photos of you on Air Force One that day to raise money for the Republican Party? You mean that kind of politics, Mr. President?
    Critics are right--you are slow to react as usual. You have spread our military and relief forces too thin. God forbid we have another 9/11-style attack anytime soon.
    There is no money in our treasury to cope with this disaster adequately without wrecking the economy. Well, pardon me for playing politics, but people are suffering and dying.

    Worst president ever, folks.

    Bad History? Yes, Bad History! 

    The Carnival of Bad History # 3 is here. The Liberal Coalition's own Horatio at Dodecahedron has the latest edition for your reading pleasure. He's made it a very special Michael Jackson edition. Michael Jackson? Yes, Michael Jackson! Horatio has something for everyone. He has Nazis. He has terrorists. He has Intelligent design. He has Paul Harvey. Paul Harvey? Yes, Paul Harvey!

    History isn't just that highschool class taught by coaches (badly), history is everything. Culture, politics, movies, the good, the bad, and, yes, the ugly. Bad history is mostly the ugly. Go, read up, get inspired, and track down your own bad history for the next carnival.

    Monday, August 29, 2005

    "New Orleans Is Sinking, Man, and I Don't Wanna Swim!" 

    While Hurricane Katrina swamped southern Florida - see Mustang Bobby for the details in Miami - it is doing serious damage to New Orleans and the Central Gulf Coast right now.

    Thousands have fled the area, at least those who could, while others are bunkered down in the face of this large and very dangerous storm. Many of the 100,000 or so in The Big Easy who had no transportation were allowed into the Super Dome for shelter. Unfortunately, CNN has reported that the roof is leaking and that the National Guard is starting to move some of the refugees into other parts of the structure. Hopefully the rest of the stadium will withstand the storm. Those folks could use a little hope right now.

    For anyone who's never been to New Orleans, it's hard to understand that the city is anywhere from a few to 12 feet below sea level and averages 6 feet below. It's an unsettling sight to see the large ships moving up and down the Mississippi while standing at the bottom of the levees; they look like they are flying overhead. But the storm surge is supposed to be higher than the levees...

    All of my best thoughts to everyone in Florida and on the Central Gulf Coast.