
Friday, September 16, 2005

Friday Blogaround 

Time to catch up with the gang.

  • archy on the meaning of privacy.
  • Bark Bark Woof Woof on the meaning of the Pledge.
  • bloggg on gas price humor.
  • Chris reveals the winner of the Darth Tater contest.
  • Collective Sigh on highway humor.
  • Corrente offers a ballad to the dead.
  • Help Horatio at Dodecahedron understand the riots in Northern Ireland.
  • Dohiyi Mir on a comedian without a sense of humor.
  • Echidne on spending our money.
  • firedoglake on the state of the Plame case.
  • First Draft quotes John Kerry.
  • The Fulcrum has his reaction to the NOLA speech last night.
  • Happy Furry Puppy on the news of the week.
  • iddybud has her take on what's up as well.
  • Left Is Right has some Friday fun.
  • Liberty Street on a study that would have been of interest to the previous administration.
  • Make Me A Commentator on the difference between Republicans and Democrats in NOLA.
  • MercuryX23 on the power of prayer.
  • Corruption in Chicago politics? NO! Musing's musings has the scoop.
  • Pen-Elayne is collecting links to the fun bloggers are having with Bush's note requesting permission to go to the biffy.
  • Respectful of Otters has pics of the young'un.
  • Rook's Rant is smokin' -- in a way.
  • rubber hose files a report from Syria.
  • Science and Politics explains it all for you.
  • Scrutiny Hooligans on spending your money.
  • Sooner Thought with Vonnegut's list.
  • Speedkill reads Agape Press so you don't have to.
  • Steve Gilliard is looking for ways to help.
  • T. Rex has more fun with visitors.
  • The Countess on Judge Roberts and women.
  • The Invisible Library on saving the archives of NOLA.
  • Wanda channels in O'Reilly and Gingrich.
  • WTF Is It Now turns to the chicken.
  • Speaking of birds, the Yellow Doggerel Democrat sees penguins.
  • ...You Are A Tree tries to diet.

    Have a great weekend.

    Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.

  • Monday, September 12, 2005

    Let Blogrookery Appear 

    Keep close, and congratulate Rook on reaching a blogging milestone! I thee command...


    Sunday, September 11, 2005

    Destination: Hell 

    Liberals and Progressives have been saying for years, and until they turned blue in the face, that Bush is an incompetent, unqualified, money-hungry, compassionless, racist, uncompromising, unskilled and undereducated drug addict.

    The horror of this now is that, irrespective of the near total destruction of Iraq, it has taken the elimination of an entire section of our nation and its residents to prove it to the rest of our ignorant country (the rest of the world already knew, years ago).

    God forbid that we must endure another three and a half years of his Administration before anything can be changed. Are we going to sit around and keep our fingers crossed, hoping (incorrectly) that we've seen the worst, or are we going to FINALLY get off our fat, lazy butts and realize that we must begin turning this nation around now, because Bush and his band of thugs (in EVERY sense of the word) are not going to sit back and be satisfied with the destruction they have already wrought?

    They are going to keep the neocon steamroller fueled and in overdrive until the final hour of his presidency. They are going to stay the course in Iraq, wasting thousands more young American (and Iraqi) lives. They are going to continue the relentless dismantling of our social and security programs/agencies. They are going to continue increasing taxes on the poor and middle classes in order to reduce the same for the wealthy and the corporations. They are going to spread marshall law throughout the nation (New Orleans is only the start, folks).

    They are going to persist in ramming through new legislation that benefit petroleum/energy companies, allowing them to continue increasing their unbelievably obscene profits (and thus power). They are going to continue forcing our education system down the toilet by pushing increasingly unreachable standards onto the public school system. They are going to remain incessant in their ruthless attack on the air we breathe and the ground on which we live and from which we grow our food.

    And finally, they are going to accelerate the dismantling of the independent judicial system such that laws and rulings support only conservative ideology and christian evangelical theology.

    We are becoming a nazi state before our very own eyes. What's worse, we are all allowing it. We are the masters of our destiny, yet somehow we have decided, as a nation, that our destiny is Hell.