Try not to eavesdrop on anyone this weekend...All Facts and Opinions continues looking into the candidacy of Chuck Pennacchio. archy says it's time for Rush to be randomly tested. Bark Bark Woof Woof has a look at the fun in Florida politics. blogAmY catches Denny Hastert hitchin' a ride. bloggg leaves a message for the NSA. Send Andante at Collective Sigh some love as she eyes an upcoming surgery. Dodecahedron looks over the specs of the next fleet of presidential choppers. NTodd makes his feelings known. Echidne looks at a seriously strange Ann Coulter piece. the farmer finds that AT&T may be in big trouble for making room for spying. FDL wonders if today could be Fitz-de-Mayo. At First Draft they have the story of what was going through Bush's mind on the morning of 9/11. Happy Furry Puppy details the sins of The Left. iddybud on Mary Cheney. Left is Right explains where he's been and what's up. Lefty answers questions. Liberty Street changes phone service. Make Me a Commentator reviews Cal Thomas's five-men theory. MercuryX23 has moved to the Valley of the Sun. (BTW, it gets hot there in summer...) Michael muses on Mary and prepares for graduation. Pen-Elayne pays tribute to a caring teen in Washington who's helping kids in New Orleans have a prom. (Bon voyage, Elayne and Robin.) Rick on a petulant judge. rubber hose on citizens suing the state for spying on us. Coturnix celebrates the birthdate of a scientist. Scrutiny Hooligans has the links to encrypt your e-mails. Sooner Thought takes the fun out of UFO hunting. Steve Gilliard on net neutrality. T. Rex on Putin's response to Cheney. The Countess has the vibe on a very special holiday in Brazil. The Invisible Library says dolphins have names. Words on a Page has numbers to call to protest Sec. Jackson. WTF Is It Now?? on the president's pal not visiting the White House. Steve gets a new laptop computer. ...You Are A Tree has issues with photos being stolen. Well, yeah, who can blame him?
Cross-posted at Bark Bark Woof Woof.