
Friday, March 11, 2005

Friday Blogaround 

With any luck and Blogger staying stable... let's do the roll.

  • All Facts and Opinions reviews this coming summer's bestseller.
  • archy has seen the effects of Balkanization.
  • Bark Bark Woof Woof yucks it up.
  • blogAmY on who cares where terrorists get their weapons.
  • bloggg channels Letterman for a school meeting.
  • Chris and his wife face a tough choice.
  • Collective Sigh collects a big mention.
  • Corrente welcomes Riggsveda, who does a number on Bush's treatment of justice abroad.
  • NTodd is back home.
  • Echidne alerts you to contact a congressman who would make criminals of women who suffer a miscarriage.
  • edwardpig details the lies behind the argument for Social Security privatization.
  • First Draft cites Jon Carrol's insight into the impact of bloggers.
  • The Fulcrum bids adieu to Scooter.
  • The Gamer's Nook finds someone with a drastic solution to the overabundance of subjects for Friday Catblogging.
  • Happy Furry Puppy on clean living according to the Koran.
  • iddybud sends best wishes and a poem to Elizabeth Edwards, who is recovering from breast cancer surgery (and I do the same for a colleague here).
  • Keith at The Invisible Library shares some software and some further thoughts on blogging in the library.
  • Jon at KTL on the future of the Wolfies.
  • Left is Right explains it all for you.
  • Bryant at MMAC says no one listens to liberals -- at least that's what AC says.
  • Michael muses on the difference between our Congress and the British Parliament.
  • Pen-Elayne continues her excellent series on blogging women.
  • Rick tells a fairy tale.
  • Rook's Rant honors one of the old guard.
  • rubber hose applies the Heisenberg principal to a blogger in the White House press gaggle.
  • Scrutiny Hooligans finds that nobody likes the bankruptcy bill.
  • SoonerThought finds more evidence that Tom DeLay is not a nice person.
  • Speedkill takes apart a post on just how "liberal" columnist Peter Beinart is.
  • Steve Gilliard on the future of TiVo.
  • T.Rex on a story you might have missed -- Saddam Hussein's capture was staged.
  • Trish Wilson uses Monty Python to get to the truth -- and it makes sense.
  • Wanda on the selective march of freedom.
  • WTF Is It Now?? found a cat who objected to not being blogged on Friday.
  • The Yellow Doggerel Democrat takes on Texas's take on TAKS.

    Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.

  • Wednesday, March 09, 2005

    Once More, With Feeling 

    This is not likely to be the last post I write on the subject of same-sex marriage, not by a long shot.  But yesterday, the Washington state Supreme Court heard arguments on the question of whether the state's Defense of Marriage Act violates the state's constitution.

    I just wanted to highlight a couple of passages from the Post-Intelligencer's coverage:
    Some got up at 4 a.m. and drove across the state to attend. One man trudged through the crowd carrying a wooden cross over his shoulder.

    Several Christian schools had closed for the day so students could attend, said Ken Hutcherson, senior pastor at Antioch Bible Church of Redmond, who was not surprised at the number of teenagers.


    Sarah Hastin, 13, stood and sang hymns with Ashlyn Constantino, 17, and Dawnielle McDonald, 20, who was wearing a sandwich board painted with flames that proclaimed "Jesus Saves from Hell." All came from the Calvary Chapel Church of Stanwood and Camano Island.

    "My mom supported me on this," said Hastin, who took the day off from school. "We're showing our state and our country how marriage should be the way God meant it to me -- one man and one woman."
    (Read more at edwardpig).

    Tuesday, March 08, 2005

    Iron Blog Lives! 

    Blue and Red magazine revives the Iron Blog tradition with none other than Linsday from Majikcarpetride challenging Iron Blogger Joel Caris. Let the games begin!