Remember the veterans.All Facts and Opinions notes that voting works. archy clarifies a grammatical question. Mustang Bobby begins the third year at Bark Bark Woof Woof with a look at the typical Republican fall-back position. David at blogAmY on the Aruba boycott. bloggg shows us what The Greatest thinks of Bush. Chris "Lefty" is in hibernation...briefly. Andante at Collective Sigh begins her third year of blogging by lining up the oil companies. Shystee at CorrenteWire has an idea to get people to vote. Dodecahedron has some advice for Democrats. Dohiyi Mir and Pat Robertson predict doom for Dover, Pennsylvania. Echidne begins her third year of blogging with a fair and balanced retort to comments about the "chick vote" in New Jersey. Jane at firedoglake proves why she is one of the rising stars in the blogosphere. First Draft on leaking leaks and the leakers who leak them. The Fulcrum looks up "lame duck." Happy Furry Puppy goes to the movies. iddybud on ANWR: human rights, morality, and faith ... vs. oil. Left is Right forwards a letter to Bill and Hillary. Liberty Street reports on the end of the Dover monkey trial. Make Me a Commentator catches up with Gen. Karpinski, the scapegoat of Abu Ghraib. MercuryX23 changed his radio station and almost caused a wreck. Musing's musings comments on the collapse of the Republican lava dome. Pen-Elayne has filing issues. (Welcome to my world, Elayne!) Rook's Rant on another cog in the war machine getting some attention. rubber hose wonders about legal defense funds. Coturnix gives you a chance to find out how much you know about blogging. (Turns out I don't know much...) Scrutiny Hooligans reports on Holy Land in the Holy Land. Sooner Thought thinks Cheney should go. Jeff at Speedkill has some thoughts on pseudoscience. Steve Gilliard covers the latest news in latex. T. Rex has a Veterans Day bit of news. The Countess makes the big time. The Invisibile Library looks at crazy generals. Wanda has several interesting observations. WTF Is It Now wants to know if anyone else has heard that the Republicans want the US to get by terrorists again. The Yellow Doggerel Democrat honors his own veterans. ...You Are a Tree has great news.
Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.