Don't forget to tip your waitperson.All Facts and Opinions on DINO's. archy wants to hear about the book you're writing. Bark Bark Woof Woof on fear and loathing at Liberty University. blogAmY is sore from the gym. bloggg on religious bigotry of another kind. Collective Sigh suggests that South Dakota go after the real perps in the abortion issue. Dohiyi Mir on the regrets of the original cube farmer. Echidne on not knowing what you're eating. the farmer on words and music that have made a difference. FDL takes on Jacob Weisberg's hatchet job on the Democrats. First Draft has proof that one form of American-style democracy -- capital punishment -- has taken hold in Iraq. The Fulcrum explains his absence. Happy Furry Puppy has a list of the assaults on America from the Left. iddybud catches up with Jimmy Carter. Left is Right has the new South Dakota logo. Lefty's top ten of the week. Liberty Street on the growth of anti-Muslim feelings in America. Make Me a Commentator quotes Rush speaking the truth for once. Musing's musings: Look! Up in the sky! It's a well-muscled blogger in tights! Pen-Elayne takes to heart the point of Blogging Against Sexism Day. Rick has a show coming up. Rook's Rant on the Pat Tillman investigation. rubber hose has health issues. Science and Politics on building a safer car. Scrutiny Hooligans on the nutsery making threats. Sooner Thought has a great quote. Speedkill on academic freedom. Steve Gilliard on the politics of running the District of Columbia. T. Rex finds conflicting evidence about abortion rates in Texas. The Countess on ghosts, trolls, and other weirdness. The Invisible Library has a bit of film trivia for you. WTF Is It Now?? on Bush's gym chatter. The Yellow Doggerel Democrat on rhyme time for ENRON crime. ...You Are a Tree has the picture of the week and a wistful hope.
Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.