Friday, September 23, 2005
Friday Blogaround
Okay, let's do it.
Natalie channels Bill Maher.archy has some thoughts on social experimentation in the Gulf.Bark Bark Woof Woof goes natural.blogAmY and David are back from Bermuda.bloggg has a simple reason why FEMA didn't get the message.Chris sells comics on e-Bay.Collective Sigh notes that the Saudis can both sell oil and slaves.CorrenteWire on outsmarting ourselves.Dodecahedron wonders how we do it.Mazel tov to NTodd and Stef.Echidne on Operation Upset, the right-wing plan to pay for the hurricane damage.firedoglake wants to know who Bianca is.First Draft on Bill O'Reilly's dander getting ruffled.The Fulcrum on how Freedom's march in Iraq has inspired others.Happy Furry Puppy is in Austin, Texas, awaiting Rita.iddybud follows up on David Brooks' comments on John Edwards.Left Is Right wants to see you do something.Liberty Street on a certain kind of welfare state.Make Me A Commentator listens to the Dark Side.Musing's musings hooks up Patrick Swayze and King Leopold.Pen-Elayne takes some of us to task.Respectful of Otters on the psychology of a just world.Mazel tov to Rick and Zinester.Rook's Rant does the time warp thing.rubber hose continues his Middle East journey journal.Science and Politics blogs about blogs about blogging.Scrutiny Hooligans says that if you loved the 1930's...Sooner Thought does the numbers on Iraq.Steve Gilliard on TimesSelect.T. Rex on prior planning.The Countess hunts ghosts.Wanda on the new Afghanistan.WTF Is It Now tunes into CNN going off script.Steve reports in from his alternative site, The YDD Annex, while he awaits Rita.We end with a poem cited from You Are a Tree.
Everyone in the path of Rita: do your laundry, get out, and stay safe.
Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.