Read on, boys and girls.Natalie at All Facts and Opinions is back on-line and catching up. archy on the terrible social hurdles a rich white straight boy has to overcome to succeed. Bark Bark Woof Woof on competency. David at blogAmY investigates the underworld. bloggg passes on a great one-liner line. Lefty Brown catches up. Collective Sigh reviews Bush's Brokeback Mountain review. the farmer is back at Corrente and none too soon. Dodecahedron isn't happy with Sen. Tim Johnson. Dohiyi Mir on the nascent filibuster movement against Alito. Echidne gets a direct report on the Palestinian election. firedoglake catches up on Scooter. First Draft on Bush minding business. The Fulcrum on polluting our own troops. Happy Furry Puppy catches up on the Left news of the week. iddybud on a waste problem of nuclear proportions. Left is Right on dire predictions. Liberty Street on rich Chilean exiles. Make Me a Commentator on our options for Iran. Michael deals with a loss. Pen-Elayne has her own blog link recommendations. Rook gets a job. rubber hose summarizes Hayden's fall. Science and Politics has a carnival of carnivals. Scrutiny Hooligans on what it's like to be poor and sick in North Carolina. Sooner Thought on armed legislators. Speedkill on emotional kaleidoscope of partisanship. Steve Gilliard on Al Sharpton and The Boondocks. T. Rex on stretching the thin green line. The Countess gets down with sex. Wanda on the state of the union. WTF Is It Now?? on Scott McClellan tap dancing. The Yellow Doggerel Democrat and Molly Ivins on manifesto destiny.
Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.