To paraphrase Laugh-In, "what's the news across the nation...we have got the blogformation..."
Here's what's happening:
All Facts and Opinions reports that the Anglican Church will allow gay priests to get married to their same-sex partners, but there's a catch....archy has more bad history, and as a bonus, offers a free medical procedure.Bark Bark Woof Woof teaches David Brooks some European history.Will Dave have a Friday question? Go ask BlogAmY.bloggg offers fashion tips.Chris has an annoying shopping experience.Collective Sigh offers the same advice about insurance that Deep Throat offered about Watergate.Tom at Corrente lets Noonan have it for blaming Mark Felt for losing Vietnam.NTodd on the worst book of all.Echidne stands up for women bloggers.First Draft on the Gitmo situation.Scott at The Gamer's Nook got the job!Happy Furry Puppy has his own thoughts re The Nooner.iddybud keeps up with John Edwards.Jesse at In Search of Telford gets hit on.Left Is Right has a good question.Bryant lost sleep over this post.Musing's musings has the goods on a possible Rehnquist replacement. (Note MM's new address.)Pen-Elayne has a little spritz for me.Rick invites you to the movies.Rook's Rant notes some shifting ground at Fox.rubber hose does a great pick-apart of Brooks's European slash.Scrutiny Hooligans adds to the SH list.Sooner Thought speaks up for open librarys.Speedkill gets his wish for an interesting albeit crazy letter to the editor.Steve Gilliard reports on one group that doesn't want more soldiers going to Iraq -- the soldiers' parents.T. Rex shoots hoops.The Invisible Library on the rise in book banning. (Note the new address for IL.)Trish Wilson has a link to an amazing picture, and much much more.Wanda has a response to Bush's "absurd" claims.WTF Is It Now?? on the progress we're making in Iraq.The Yellow Doggerel Democrat follows the case of intimidation of Planned Parenthood in Indiana.
That's it for now. Stay tuned.
The second full-fledged issue of the
Carnival of Bad History is up over at
Science and Politics. It's bigger and badder than ever before. Coturnix has gathered fourteen posts from twelve writers (including one by the Liberal Coalition's own Trish Wilson). What are you waiting for? Go. Read. Comment. Get inspired and write a contribution to the next carnival.