There are other things to do other than watch TV, you know.Coturnix on Converging with Elizabeth (Mrs. John) Edwards. Natalie DJ's again. archy on the things people can take on planes. Bark Bark Woof Woof on the politics behind the move to Gitmo. bloggg says Steve Irwin's family wants to release the last video. Collective Sigh says the PFC's may soon come from private companies. NTodd opens his campaign headquarters. Echidne on how great it is to be poor. FDL on holding ABC's feet to the Path. First Draft on Bill Richardson's travels to the Sudan. Happy Furry Puppy on the latest Zogby poll. iddybud says we need to send some love. Left Is Right with a guest post on the realities of the immigration issue. Lefty pays a nice tribute to his wife. Liberty Street on lies, lies, and more lies. Make Me A Commentator on what we can learn from the other guys. Mercury X23 wrote a letter to his local ABC station. Musing's musings takes apart the SecDef. Pen-Elayne just celebrated her fourth blogiversary. Wow! Congrats! Rook's Rant on the downfall of Tony Blair. rubber hose on the "blame Clinton" continuity. Scrutiny Hooligans on the death of American manufacturing. Sooner Thought on an idiotic Senator from Oklahoma. Speedkill reports that the Religious Reich plans to "confront liberalism" on campus. Steve Bates on another impact from 9/11. Steve Gilliard teaches a history lesson. T. Rex on who believes who that Saddam Hussein had something to do with 9/11. The Count prepares for take-off. The Invisible Library with some thoughts on writing on writing. WTF Is It Now?? on scenes you won't see in that movie. ...You Are A Tree visits an abandoned city.
Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.