There's a lot of outrage going on. Let's see what's rattling the cages in
The Liberal Coalition this week.
Natalie at All Facts and Opinions could just spit.archy is outraged at the new head of the EPA.Bark Bark Woof Woof on the American agenda.blogAmY is outraged at the slaughter of seal pups.bloggg on the connection between autism and mercury.Chris gets some interesting calling cards.Collective Sigh welcomes Karen Hughes to the turd-polishing business.Riggsveda at Corrente bids adieu to a cold Cold War warrior.NTodd welcomes a conservative think-tank to Vermont.Echidne on the idea of Professor Limbaugh.edwardpig reports on corruption of a massive scale.First Draft is gagging from the torturous gaggle.The Fulcrum holds out hope for ANWR.The Gamer's Nook celebrates a Demonic birthday.Happy Furry Norbizness rages on about the movies.iddybud raves about John Edwards.The Invisible Library is quiet during spring break, but wait...Left Is Right has a reminder on the freedom of the press.Make Me A Commentator reviews a review of a book by a Ari Fleischer.Michael's Musing's Musings on the outrage of the kidnapping of the Terri Schiavo case.Pen-Elayne welcomes Spamalot and continues her highlighting women bloggers.The Republican Sinner this and every week is Tom DeLay.Respectful of Otters is back! Yea!Rick on the intricacies of the game.Guy at Rook's Rant had a very bad day.rubber hose asks a St. Patrick's day question.Scrutiny Hooligans on the threats against Hugo Chavez.Sooner Thought on the secret plans for Iraqi oil.Speedkill on the truth behind the news from the M15 cluster.Steve Gilliard appeals to liberal bloggers.T. Rex on the benefits of drilling in ANWR.Trish Wilson enlightens us with the feminine technique.Wanda on how to discuss Social Security with a conservative (if you must).WTF Is It Now?? on the fake news.Steve at Yellow Doggerel Democrat adds his considerable writing talent to the discussion on same-gender marriage.
Happy Friday!
Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.
Rook *finally* makes his
latest move in Bloggers Chess over at Open Source Politics. I think I have him spooked. Ninety percent of the game is half mental...