
Friday, June 02, 2006

Friday Blogaround 

To quote Rodgers and Hammerstein, June is bustin' out all over. Let's catch up with the Liberal Coalition and see what they're writing about.
  • All Facts and Opinions mourns Desmond Dekker.
  • archy has fun writing a parody of right-wing crap.
  • Bark Bark Woof Woof on the Rolling Stone article about the 2004 election.
  • blogAmY on discrimination.
  • Everything's coming up roses at bloggg.
  • Collective Sigh on the high cost of emergency medicine.
  • Speaking of emergency medicine, Horatio at Dodecahedron has had a run of bad luck.
  • NTodd deals with a painful loss.
  • Echidne on Haditha.
  • the farmer went morel hunting. (Morels are mushrooms.)
  • FDL opens the book salon.
  • First Draft writing on writing.
  • Happy Furry Puppy on catching up with domestic news.
  • iddybud on spiritual progressives.
  • Left is Right with fun Friday video links.
  • Lefty's weekly top ten starts off with a comic (52).
  • Liberty Street on life in liberated Iraq.
  • Make Me a Commentator on X-Men and the queer factor.
  • MercuryX23 on an unknown music star.
  • Michael sends best wishes for the hurricane season.
  • Pen-Elayne on the outrage of tea packaging.
  • Rick chokes on some legislation.
  • Rook's Rant deals with a family loss.
  • rubber hose on truth-telling.
  • Coturnix provides a link to prove that feminists cause global warming.
  • Scrutiny Hooligans -- if you knew sushi...
  • Sooner Thought on the best/worst presidents of the modern era.
  • Speedkill on teaching Islam in the classroom in California.
  • Steve Gilliard rattles the cup and thanks his donors.
  • T. Rex on sex.
  • The Countess asks for some help.
  • The Invisible Library on the evils of Microsoft.
  • WTF Is It Now?? on Homeland Security funding priorities.
  • The Yellow Doggerel Democrat reports on his term on jury duty.
  • ...You Are a Tree on Kimberly Dozier, the CBS correspondent injured in Iraq.
  • We're two days into hurricane season and there are no tropical depressions in the Atlantic...yet.

    Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.