Whenever we perceive in ourselves any hesitation to attack Republican weakness, whenever, in our darkest hour of despair, we feel our passion may have driven away those who would join us, whenever even a shade of doubt intrudes on our commitment to relentlessly oppose Bush and his anti-American agenda, we should remember this:
We are the majority.
There is nothing to fear.
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Be Not Afraid
Friday, July 29, 2005
Friday Blogaround
Well, we know that President Bush has his finger on the pulse of America...or is it his thumb?
Let's see what The Liberal Coalition has to say this week.
archy on the shortsightedness of politicians. Bark Bark Woof Woof wonders who the third leaker was. blogAmY on the NRA's guy in the Senate. bloggg on how to annoy your neighbors. Chris remembers some music. Collective Sigh wonders what happened to the "Truth Tour." Have a question for John Roberts? Corrente has the link. Dodecahedron on what terrorists are afraid of. Dohiyi Mir on what was then and what is now. Echidne on what went wrong in Ohio. firedoglake does not like 15 Democrats. First Draft on what the Republicans are afraid of. The Fulcrum on the efficiency of the British police. The Gamer's Nook has a humorous quiz. Happy Furry Puppy on the energy bill. iddybud on the Niger documents. In Search of Telford is in search of new digs. Stay tuned. Left Is Right looks into a dangerous problem in Iraq that has nothing to do with insurgents. Liberty Street has the goods on the treasonable activities of Valerie Plame Wilson. Make Me a Commentator does some big cat blogging. Michael finds that our prehistoric ancestors learned to use some interesting tools... Pen-Elayne finds an interesting video game. Rook made the big time. rubber hose on the disappearance of Latoyia Figueroa. Science and Politics on the birth of a biologist. Scrutiny Hooligans makes you smile. SoonerThought excerpts Gore Vidal. Speedkill on has a book how to become a defender of the faith. T. Rex on national security and gays. The Invisible Library has a spoiler-free review of the latest Harry Potter. The Countess has a quizzical look. Wanda has a roundup of the news. WTF Is It Now?? rats out Karl Rove's secret life. The Yellow Doggerel Democrat takes a photo break.
Hey, it's a long weekend -- if you're in Canada. (What is "Civic Holiday" anyway?) Stay cool.
Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.
Let's see what The Liberal Coalition has to say this week.
Hey, it's a long weekend -- if you're in Canada. (What is "Civic Holiday" anyway?) Stay cool.
Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.