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Friday, June 17, 2005
Friday Blogaround
Here's what the Liberal Coalition is looking at this week.
archy has a collection of stupid comments by other people. Bark Bark Woof Woof wonders when the media will catch up to blogs. BlogAmY wonders why the anti-lynching vote wasn't unanimous. bloggg goes to bat for Dean. Chris goes for the Superhero meme. Collective Sigh brags on her kid...and why not? Lambert at Corrente shows how a real reporter covers the Downing Street Memo. NTodd tunes in to ESP. (I knew he was going to do that.) Echidne on being easy. First Draft stands up for Dick Durbin. For Charles2 at The Fulcrum, a loss of life in Iraq hits home. The Gamer's Nook quotes a famous discourse on American history. Happy Furry Puppy reviews this summer's movies. iddybud summarizes the Downing Street Memo "hearings." Jesse finds an ally for peak oil in Atrios. Left Is Right on angry teachers in California. Bryant clears up the question of where liberals stand on torture. Musing's musings likes Dick...Durbin, that is. Pen-Elayne cleans up. Rook's Rant on the name game in scandals. rubber hose on what makes news today. Scrutiny Hooligans goes sour on sweeteners. SoonerThought has thoughts on the only Democrat to vote to keep the PATRIOT Act library snoop provision. Jeff at Speedkill on the liberal conspiracy behind the Schiavo autopsy. Steve Gilliard on the Mississippi Burning trial. T. Rex does his own blogaround of good reading. Who better than The Invisible Library to comment on the PATRIOT Act. Trish Wilson on the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado...remember The Shining? Wanda pays tribute to Old Glory. WTF Is It Now?? on a Republican exit strategy. The Yellow Doggerel Democrat had a power struggle.
Read every post and report back here when you're done with a short essay on your findings.
Read every post and report back here when you're done with a short essay on your findings.