
Friday, June 17, 2005

Friday Blogaround 

Here's what the Liberal Coalition is looking at this week.

  • archy has a collection of stupid comments by other people.
  • Bark Bark Woof Woof wonders when the media will catch up to blogs.
  • BlogAmY wonders why the anti-lynching vote wasn't unanimous.
  • bloggg goes to bat for Dean.
  • Chris goes for the Superhero meme.
  • Collective Sigh brags on her kid...and why not?
  • Lambert at Corrente shows how a real reporter covers the Downing Street Memo.
  • NTodd tunes in to ESP. (I knew he was going to do that.)
  • Echidne on being easy.
  • First Draft stands up for Dick Durbin.
  • For Charles2 at The Fulcrum, a loss of life in Iraq hits home.
  • The Gamer's Nook quotes a famous discourse on American history.
  • Happy Furry Puppy reviews this summer's movies.
  • iddybud summarizes the Downing Street Memo "hearings."
  • Jesse finds an ally for peak oil in Atrios.
  • Left Is Right on angry teachers in California.
  • Bryant clears up the question of where liberals stand on torture.
  • Musing's musings likes Dick...Durbin, that is.
  • Pen-Elayne cleans up.
  • Rook's Rant on the name game in scandals.
  • rubber hose on what makes news today.
  • Scrutiny Hooligans goes sour on sweeteners.
  • SoonerThought has thoughts on the only Democrat to vote to keep the PATRIOT Act library snoop provision.
  • Jeff at Speedkill on the liberal conspiracy behind the Schiavo autopsy.
  • Steve Gilliard on the Mississippi Burning trial.
  • T. Rex does his own blogaround of good reading.
  • Who better than The Invisible Library to comment on the PATRIOT Act.
  • Trish Wilson on the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado...remember The Shining?
  • Wanda pays tribute to Old Glory.
  • WTF Is It Now?? on a Republican exit strategy.
  • The Yellow Doggerel Democrat had a power struggle.

    Read every post and report back here when you're done with a short essay on your findings.