Things are still getting back to normal here in South Florida; the search for dairy products and fresh produce goes on.All Facts and Opinions covers the coming-out of Sheryl Swoopes. archy has -- what else? -- the Carnival of the Cockroaches. Bark Bark Woof Woof is back after the storm and covering the indictment of another Republican. blogAmY doesn't go to the prom. bloggg has the truth on Social Security. Chris is ready for Hallowe'en. Collective Sigh on the housing problems in D.C. CorrenteWire goes on stage. Dodecahedron wonders where the music went. Dohiyi Mir has the story on George Takei ("Sulu") beaming out of the closet. (This seems to be the week for celebrities coming out. By the way...) Echidne reviews Maureen Dowd's new book. firedoglake keeps the rumor mill wheel grinding, and she even has songs. First Draft reminds us that more than Rove and Libby are in jeopardy. The Fulcrum has an idea for energy conservation. Happy Furry Puppy has some terms he'd like to retire. iddybud has the low-down on a figure under investigation by Patrick Fitzgerald that you may not have heard of. Left Is Right on the decline of the middle class. Liberty Street on the story of a powerful editorial cartoon. Make Me A Commentator continues with his interviews with...his staff. MercuryX23 got a reply to his query last week. Musing's musings bids farewell to Rosa Parks. Pen-Elayne shows you how to carve your own pumpkin. Rick updates his poker playing. Rook finds a Republican who called for the president to clean up his act. rubber hose has a review of the Arbaic version of The Simpsons. Science and Politics has a fish tale. Scrutiny Hooligans says Abu Ghraib was just one of many. Sooner Thought on the future of the Bush presidency. Speedkill has the word on hi-tech passports. Steve Gilliard has been in the news himself. He explains it all for you. T. Rex has a question for all you conservatives who claim to be opposed to racism. The Countess keeps up with her writing of erotic fiction. The Invisible Library reviews Ann Rice's latest. Wanda post-games the Miers debacle. WTF Is It Now?? serves up an Italian dish. The Yellow Doggerel Democrat bids farewell to a jolly voice. ...You Are A Tree looks back.
Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.