
Friday, December 02, 2005

Friday Blogaround 

If you're frazzled from all the shopping and stuff, take a moment and do some browsing through The Liberal Coalition.
  • All Facts and Opinions gives some background on the hostages taken this week in Iraq.
  • archy will show you his if you show up at his site.
  • Bark Bark Woof Woof does double duty in making the comparison of Iraq to Vietnam.
  • blogAmY has a question.
  • bloggg has a shopping list for parents of special kids.
  • Chris has the final entrants for his Brownie awards.
  • Collective Sigh puts the Christianist in Christmas.
  • CorrenteWire has a contribution to Blog Against Racism Day.
  • Dodecahedron answers an imponderable question and thinks about immigration.
  • NTodd celebrates a holiday.
  • Echidne has a two-parter on the evolution and revolution of feminism (Part I, Part II).
  • firedoglake reports on the cherubic Ralph Reed in trouble.
  • First Draft takes issue with "moral compass" pointing.
  • The Fulcrum brings military insight to the discussion about the war.
  • Happy Furry Puppy has some questions for the weird bunch of worshippers in funny hats.
  • Harry Dogwater does drugs.
  • iddybud has a collection of opinions on Iraq.
  • Left Is Right remembers Rosa Parks.
  • Liberty Street reports that Jack Murtha is at it again.
  • Make Me a Commentator channels H.L. Mencken.
  • MercuryX23 on the war on NODWISH.
  • Musing's musings on an ad campaign that never happened.
  • Pen-Elayne recalls a childhood friend.
  • Rick lists his blogger friends.
  • Rook's Rant on the flaw in libertarianism.
  • rubber hose shares a moment of recognition.
  • Science and Politics reports on a class on blogging.
  • Scrutiny Hooligans on the slowing of ocean currents (catch the cool graphic, too).
  • Sooner Thought reports on a Bush/Cheney rift.
  • Speedkill has the real Christmas story.
  • Steve Gilliard hands it to Ann Coulter.
  • T. Rex puts the penalty for rape in Florida in perspective.
  • The Countess on corporate life.
  • The Invisible Library wants your fake recollection.
  • Wanda tells us what Christmas means to her.
  • WTF Is It Now?? reports that Rush finds it funny that hostages have been taken in Iraq.
  • The Yellow Doggerel Democrat reports on the curious definition of honest elections some people have.
  • ...You Are a Tree wants to know what kind of crazy composer you are.
  • Have a great weekend!

    Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.