Have a great weekend!All Facts and Opinions gives some background on the hostages taken this week in Iraq. archy will show you his if you show up at his site. Bark Bark Woof Woof does double duty in making the comparison of Iraq to Vietnam. blogAmY has a question. bloggg has a shopping list for parents of special kids. Chris has the final entrants for his Brownie awards. Collective Sigh puts the Christianist in Christmas. CorrenteWire has a contribution to Blog Against Racism Day. Dodecahedron answers an imponderable question and thinks about immigration. NTodd celebrates a holiday. Echidne has a two-parter on the evolution and revolution of feminism (Part I, Part II). firedoglake reports on the cherubic Ralph Reed in trouble. First Draft takes issue with "moral compass" pointing. The Fulcrum brings military insight to the discussion about the war. Happy Furry Puppy has some questions for the weird bunch of worshippers in funny hats. Harry Dogwater does drugs. iddybud has a collection of opinions on Iraq. Left Is Right remembers Rosa Parks. Liberty Street reports that Jack Murtha is at it again. Make Me a Commentator channels H.L. Mencken. MercuryX23 on the war on NODWISH. Musing's musings on an ad campaign that never happened. Pen-Elayne recalls a childhood friend. Rick lists his blogger friends. Rook's Rant on the flaw in libertarianism. rubber hose shares a moment of recognition. Science and Politics reports on a class on blogging. Scrutiny Hooligans on the slowing of ocean currents (catch the cool graphic, too). Sooner Thought reports on a Bush/Cheney rift. Speedkill has the real Christmas story. Steve Gilliard hands it to Ann Coulter. T. Rex puts the penalty for rape in Florida in perspective. The Countess on corporate life. The Invisible Library wants your fake recollection. Wanda tells us what Christmas means to her. WTF Is It Now?? reports that Rush finds it funny that hostages have been taken in Iraq. The Yellow Doggerel Democrat reports on the curious definition of honest elections some people have. ...You Are a Tree wants to know what kind of crazy composer you are.
Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.