There's a lot more where this came from in every blog. Go thou and read likewise.All Facts and Opinions has a message for the "ex-gay" crowd. archy takes a comical look at lowering his blood pressure. Bark Bark Woof Woof on the Snow job at the White House. Amy has a quote that is worthy of remembering. Moi at bloggg has some good advice that was worth reposting. Collective Sigh is noticing an interesting trend in political signage -- where are the Republicans? NTodd has some disturbing numbers from the war. Echidne on the troubled search for a rabbi's successor. the farmer on the march for nuclear disarmament. FDL has the latest Plame update. First Draft on someone finally taking responsibility in New Orleans for something. The Fulcrum on one cause of death on 9/11. Happy Furry Puppy on the new health care plan proposed by the Bushies. iddybud on a mass held for moral immigration reform. Left is Right on a common-sense energy policy from the Republicans and other myths. Lefty declares a Snow Day. Liberty Street on the rules prohibiting criticism of the Bush administration for CIA employees. Make Me a Commentator on the waving of the bloody shirt. Musing's musings muses about what to do with a $100 fuel rebate. Pen-Elayne cleans out her in-box and finds some interesting stuff. Rook's Rant takes a break; hopefully not for long. rubber hose on alternatives to fuelish tax ideas. Science and Politics gets poetic over salamanders. Scrutiny Hooligans on the Martyr in Chief. Sooner Thought on what they're watching on Air Force One. Speedkill celebrates finishing school with music. Steve Gilliard profiles the Southern man. T. Rex has a new game. The Countess on the failure at the latest attempt in shared parenting. The Invisible Library on over-eager readers and writers. Scott at Words on a Page on the high price of the war. WTF Is It Now?? on the slippery slope for Turd Blossom. The Yellow Doggerel Democrat on the latest FEMA FUBAR. ...You Are A Tree on the latest Battlestar Galactica news.
Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.