Are the Olympics over yet?Natalie cheers the Irish. archy compares notes on Bill O'Reilly's consistency. Bark Bark Woof Woof on how the port deal is an icon of Bush's management style. blogAmY has vacation pictures. bloggg on what the port story isn't about. Collective Sigh on tax cuts. Dodecahedron doesn't understand how you can judge ski-jumping. Dohiyi Mir on a governor who needs to get out more. Echidne would like just one coherent myth from the Bushies. the farmer has a funny story. firedoglake wonders when they will ban in-vitro fertilization. First Draft on a South Florida political reporter's revelation. The Fulcrum on the perils of speaking out at the CIA. Happy Furry Puppy cleans house, sorta. iddybud on a neocon seeing the light. Left Is Right on the complicity of the Bush administration in smear campaigns. Lefty answers your questions. Liberty Street on South Dakota's attempt to ban all abortions. Make Me a Commentator finds out the truth about liberals. MercuryX23 has a short quote. Musing's musings on the bombing of the al-Askariya mosque and how you can help with the healing. Pen-Elayne is feeling better -- good health, dear! Rook's Rant on reclassifying old news. rubber hose says "the only region in the world that the u.s. news media covers worse than central asia is subsahara africa...." Coturnix on a piece of childrens' fiction. Scrutiny Hooligans on the plan to build some concentration camps here. Sooner Thought on the closing of a GM plant in Oklahoma City. Speedkill on the courage to print the infamous cartoons. Steve Gilliard on the rise of the neo-Nazis. T. Rex on gay genetics. The Countess on a "study" that links IQ to, uh, physical attributes. The Invisible Library has outsourcing issues of his own. Wanda contemplates what a law in South Dakota has to do with her. WTF Is It Now on the troubles of Mr. Santorum of Pennsylvania. Steve contemplates the meaning of President's Day and certain royalty. ...You Are a Tree on the future of MS Word.
Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.