Let's see what the Liberal Coalition is writing about this week.
Professional driver. Closed course. Do not attempt.Coturnix reveals the two things that make us live: sex and food. archy celebrates his birthday -- the half-century mark -- by going fishing. Bark Bark Woof Woof takes on Her Holiness, Katherine Harris. blogAmY celebrates the liberation of Plan B. bloggg brings us up-to-date on Project Runway. Collective Sigh on shopping for surgery. NTodd offers marriage advice. Echidne doesn't like Forbes. FDL is counting down to the election. First Draft remembers NOLA a year later. Happy Furry Puppy on science and religion. iddybud ramps it up for John Edwards in Iowa. Left is Right on possible troop movements. Lefty calls in sick. Liberty Street on Bush and God. Make Me A Commentator dissects Tony Blankley. Musing's musings musings on xenophobic ignominy. Pen-Elayne pens a response to some explosive spam. Rook recalls a time when presidential politics were really dirty. rubber hose ponders an escort service. Scrutiny Hooligans flags a teacher in Colorado. Sooner Thought looks over the shoulder of a visionary genius. Speedkill goes for the soul. Steve Gilliard on the bus in Louisiana. T. Rex takes up the cause of the endangered manatee and hopes to make a certain congress critter's term endangered. The Countess on parody and stupidity. The Invisible Library calls the president's book count suspicious. WTF Is It Now?? on the fundraiser in chief for the racist goober in Virginia. The Yellow Doggerel Democrat gets all cross-pollenated. ...You Are A Tree offers a humor quiz.
Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.