By the way, if you haven't done your taxes, you have until Monday night. I already got my refund, so there. (The same to you.)archy reports on the War Against Pastafarians. Bark Bark Woof Woof wonders why five generals hate America. blogAmY on the litigious mixing with the religious. Guess where the bloggg family went on vacation. Collective Sigh on the "universal" health care in Massachusetts. Horatio wonders if Congress will be heard on the Iran question. Dohiyi Mir bearly reports the news out of Hollywood. Echidne on tough love for America. the farmer contemplates the call for war from those who can't fight it. FDL on gag orders and who violates them. First Draft on your kids' money. Happy Furry Puppy has it in for the guy in the on-line Bank of America ad. iddybud on Lech Walesa lecturing in Kansas. Left Is Right with today's video clip. Lefty rambles on. Liberty Street on recycling intelligence for use later on as something else. Make Me a Commentator on the incarnation of Jehovah in politics. Michael invokes verse to note that some on the right demand an explanation, too. Pen-Elayne on Friends of Lulu, raising money, and rousing the rabble. Rook notes a victory for California. rubber hose's take on the dump of documents from Iraq. Coturnix rats out the lazy ones. Scrutiny Hooligans keeps up the pressure on Rep. Charles Taylor. One of the generals explains his views at Sooner Thought. Speedkill on different levels of offensiveness. Steve Gilliard goes back to the future in Omaha. T. Rex on the backfiring of immigrant-bashing. A belated happy anniversary to the Count and Countess. The Invisible Library has moved again. Here's the new address. Words on a Page springs a leak. WTF Is It Now?? on the administration getting a Colinectomy. Steve recalls old and new poetry that's da bomb. ...You Are a Tree on the real reason for illegal immigration.
Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.