
Friday, June 16, 2006

Friday Blogaround 

Karl Rove got away with it and Ann Coulter offended widows and children. Just another week in Paradise.

Here's how The Liberal Coalition sees it.
  • A Blog Around the Clock notes the president discovers wildlife.
  • All Facts and Opinions on Al Gore.
  • archy looks at the difference between belief and faith.
  • Bark Bark Woof Woof on censorship in Miami.
  • blogAmY hangs up on TPC's.
  • bloggg on the fight against breast cancer.
  • Collective Sigh on Rove's latest plot to win the election in November.
  • Echidne discusses the the inequities of a certain job.
  • FDL on the color of money.
  • First Draft on one of our "good allies."
  • Happy Furry Puppy on the craziness of the Left.
  • iddybud on "just a number."
  • Left is Right cites a passionate speech against the war.
  • Lefty Brown is sleep-deprived.
  • Liberty Street on the lack of rights of detainees.
  • Make Me a Commentator on comic relief.
  • Musing's musings on some really hot books and who's behind their torching.
  • Pen-Elayne is following the World Cup and meeting bloggers in New York.
  • Rook's Rant on the NY Times understated reporting.
  • rubber hose tries to fit a law school image into the real world of life in Somalia.
  • Help raise money for science teaching at Science and Politics.
  • Scrutiny Hooligans checks out your credit score.
  • Sooner Thought on how the Democrats deal with their own.
  • Speedkill on the newest Christianist scapegoat: Namaste!
  • Steve Gilliard has everything you ever wanted to know about the World Cup and more.
  • Kenneth at T. Rex's Guide to Life on losing the war on drugs.
  • The Countess on interpersonal relations and sex.
  • The Invisible Library on Stephen Hawking's lastest star trek.
  • Wanda reviews the news with skepticism.
  • WTF Is It Now?? wants to know where the outrage is.
  • The Yellow Doggerel Democrat knocks the no-knock ruling.
  • ...You Are a Tree has fun with science, candy, and carbonated beverages.
  • Have a good weekend.

    Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.