Another reliable prediction is the Friday blogaround from The Liberal Coalition.
Late arrivals will be seated at a suitable interval during the program.Coturnix shares a disturbing science fair exhibit. archy doesn't feel safer. Bark Bark Woof Woof catches the New York Times in a "grammar don't." Moi spies a spider. Collective Sigh ducks and covers...for what? NTodd cites Bob Herbert's column on the Arar case. Echidne takes David Broder to task. Jane at FDL wants to know why Mark Warner is avoiding Ned Lamont. The Fulcrum is back with thoughts on global warming. First Draft on Bush on the campaign trail: The Democrats founded the KKK. Happy Furry Puppy goes after idiocy. Left is Right has a real chart of terror levels. Lefty's top ten of the week. Liberty Street has the story of six people on the verge of execution in Libya. Make Me A Commentator on the new Aaron Sorkin Show Studio 60. MercuryX23 teaches drama. Musing's musings on the torture bill. He's not happy. Pen-Elayne gets in some linky lovin'. Rook's Rant on missing computers at Commerce. rubber hose notes that the shia hits the fan. Scrutiny Hooligans follows the money in the Charles Taylor re-election campaign. Sooner Thought rallies the troops after Santorum snaps. Speedkill dissects a Sam Harris essay. Steve Bates knows why the French revolted. Steve Gilliard has an excellent post on the paradox black Republicans. (Stay tuned for Part II.) Glenstein guest-posts at T.Rex on the "lesson" of 9/11, and -- bonus link -- Kenneth urges the Democrats in Florida to get on board with paying their interns. The Invisible Library relays a message from Thailand. WTF Is It Now?? on which churches the IRS is investigating for campaign violations. You guessed it... ...You Are A Tree on Mary Landrieu calling out the GOP.
Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.