
Friday, September 22, 2006

Friday Blogaround 

Today I'm reporting from Stratford, Ontario, where the weather is getting autumnal -- temps in the teens (Celsius) and leaves turning. It's very pretty, but I know what's coming; as sure as a swan on the Avon River goes barefoot, winter is coming.

Another reliable prediction is the Friday blogaround from The Liberal Coalition.
  • Coturnix shares a disturbing science fair exhibit.
  • archy doesn't feel safer.
  • Bark Bark Woof Woof catches the New York Times in a "grammar don't."
  • Moi spies a spider.
  • Collective Sigh ducks and covers...for what?
  • NTodd cites Bob Herbert's column on the Arar case.
  • Echidne takes David Broder to task.
  • Jane at FDL wants to know why Mark Warner is avoiding Ned Lamont.
  • The Fulcrum is back with thoughts on global warming.
  • First Draft on Bush on the campaign trail: The Democrats founded the KKK.
  • Happy Furry Puppy goes after idiocy.
  • Left is Right has a real chart of terror levels.
  • Lefty's top ten of the week.
  • Liberty Street has the story of six people on the verge of execution in Libya.
  • Make Me A Commentator on the new Aaron Sorkin Show Studio 60.
  • MercuryX23 teaches drama.
  • Musing's musings on the torture bill. He's not happy.
  • Pen-Elayne gets in some linky lovin'.
  • Rook's Rant on missing computers at Commerce.
  • rubber hose notes that the shia hits the fan.
  • Scrutiny Hooligans follows the money in the Charles Taylor re-election campaign.
  • Sooner Thought rallies the troops after Santorum snaps.
  • Speedkill dissects a Sam Harris essay.
  • Steve Bates knows why the French revolted.
  • Steve Gilliard has an excellent post on the paradox black Republicans. (Stay tuned for Part II.)
  • Glenstein guest-posts at T.Rex on the "lesson" of 9/11, and -- bonus link -- Kenneth urges the Democrats in Florida to get on board with paying their interns.
  • The Invisible Library relays a message from Thailand.
  • WTF Is It Now?? on which churches the IRS is investigating for campaign violations. You guessed it...
  • ...You Are A Tree on Mary Landrieu calling out the GOP.
  • Late arrivals will be seated at a suitable interval during the program.

    Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.