Have a great weekend.Coturnix teaches a lesson in evolution. Natalie digs being a DJ. archy is a rock star. Bark Bark Woof Woof on George Allen's Kosy Kinship with Kooks. blogAmy hangs up the spikes for the season. bloggg hangs up the phone company. Collective Sigh on paying for good news. NTodd celebrates pigs in space. Echidne on women and girls in the news. FDL on the Kerry sightings. First Draft on New Orleans a year later. Happy Furry Puppy replays an interview Brian Williams had with the president. iddybud on the plan by wingnuts to blame Bill Clinton for 9/11. Left Is Right says that the administration is nothing to clap about. Lefty's sick-day playlist. Liberty Street on war reaching our shores. Make Me A Commentator on Ann Coulter's latest death threat. Musing's musings on the Mommy State, Republican styly. Pen-Elayne on sitting in silence. Rook's Rant on all that really matters. rubber hose on the Lebanon blockade. Scrutiny Hooligans on the Yes Men messing with Mayor Nagin. Sooner Thought on the end of welfare. Speedkill on the righties co-opting a discredited leftie label. Steve Bates disses Rummy. Steve Gilliard dissects the president's speech. T. Rex's guest blogger glenstein wonders what part of the brain is the God-spot. The Invisibile Library finds a holy operating system. WTF Is It Now?? on the real 9/11 anniversary. ...You Are A Tree and friends.
Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.