Hey, kids! What time is it?
Here's what's going on in
The Liberal Coalition this week:
archy looks at the faces of Cindy Sheehan.Bark Bark Woof Woof listens to the quiet conservatives.blogAmY is busy, but she's still there.bloggg reviews a stadium.Chris has an album review.Collective Sigh--if wishes were gas prices...rdf at Corrente on bug problems.Dodecahedron on some unusual customer service from some utility companies.Dohiyi Mir passes on a letter from a soldier.Echidne has the latest on what men are good for.firedoglake on how Cindy Sheehan is being used -- by the right.First Draft on justice for a bad guy.The Fulcrum has questions.The Gamer's Nook confirms he's from The Bronx.Happy Furry Puppy gets hot.iddybud shares a letter from Elizabeth Edwards.In Search of Telford has a new address.Left Is Right goes to Vacationland USA!Liberty Street has the latest on the Downing Street Memo.Make Me A Commentator catches up with Ben Shapiro.Musing's musings on the dangers of being a wingnut.Pen-Elayne's busy, but not to busy to share.Rick reviews The Aristocrats.Rook's Rant on Walken not runnen.rubber hose on computer pain.Go wish Science and Politics a happy blogiversary.Scrutiny Hooligans finds more anti-war traitors lurking in America.SoonerThought has something to say.Speedkill on the Gaza pullout.Steve Gilliard notes the point when the right-wing decline began.T. Rex on people without values.The Invisible Library on theology -- good and bad.The Countess finds a home.Wanda shares an e-mail from a truly sick nutjob.WTF Is It Now?? on another grieving family.Steve at YDD does a doggerel riff on the Northern Blights.
That's the news for now. Oh, and if you're reading this up at the Canadian Broadcasting Company: please settle your labor dispute and get back to work, eh?
Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.
I've been wondering for a while why are the Lefty bloggers allowing the Righty bloggers to take lead in community-building through blog carnivals. I have just posted an issue of the Grand Rounds, the carnival of medicine, nursing and healthcare, something that should be the domain of the reality-based community, yet all the links to it that I can see on the Sitemeter are from Instapundit, Dean Espey and other Righties. When is the Left blogosphere going to wake up to the importance of carnivals?
You can start by countering the Instalanche with an Archilanche, WoofWooflanche, Gilliardanche, Countessanche etc. of your own by linking to the latest
Grand Rounds from your own blog.
There are a number of Left-oriented carnivals that bloggers on the Left should always link to - it saves you from putting a bunch of new people on the blogroll while exposing the community to some of the best bloggers from the Long Tail.
Carnival of Un-Capitalists, Carnival of Education, The Tangled Bank (science), History Carnival, Blawg Review, Carnivalesque, Carnival of Bad History, Skeptic's Circle and Grand Rounds come to mind off the top of my head. You can see all the carnivals here:
If you are not really sure what carnivals are and why they are so important in community building, check these older posts:
Blog Carnivals and the future of Journalism Blogs and the future of ScienceSmoke Signals, Blogs And Future of Politics