Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.
Friday, May 13, 2005
Friday Blogaround
The week at the Liberal Coalition brought us:
A new design at All Facts and Opinions. archy discusses the strains of evangelism. Bark Bark Woof Woof wonders what's in a name. Amy is feeling better. bloggg makes plans. Chris has a book recommendation. Collective Sigh raises a glass. Corrente on the civil war in Iraq. NTodd relates a story that proves small actions can effect the future. Echidne on a minister at the Air Force Academy who was fired for not being an evangelical. edwardpig reports that there's some who believe that ecological destruction is part of God's plan. First Draft on human nature and gay marriage. The Fulcrum thinks about confluence. Follow Scott's progress as he gets closer to finding a job. Happy Furry Puppy has what Sen Voinovich really said about John Bolton. iddybud reviews the news. In Search of Telford follows up on some items in the news. The Invisible Library finds the One True Faith. Left Is Right shows us the real Ah-nold. MMAC thinks about a father's rights. Michael reports that Wal-Mart goes off the wall in Flagstaff. Pen-Elayne's QOTD is on the wonderful Dr. Hager. Respectful of Otters has thoughts on politics and religion. Rick goes to press. Rook's Rant on how to be an effective blogger. upyernoz brings more insight to the nuclear option and how to fight back. Scrutiny Hooligan explains it all for you. Sooner Thought looks at religious expression in Arkansas. Speedkill takes on weird science. Steve Gilliard on the latest GOP unintentional ironic outrage. T. Rex starts a new feature: Journal Watch. Trish on single-mother homes. Wanda chimes in on the religious war brewing. WTF Is It Now reviews the latest scoops from CNN. Steve at The Yellow Doggerel Democrat welcomes the Minutemen to Texas.
Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.
Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.