
Friday, May 06, 2005

Friday Blogaround 

People are still being blown up in Iraq, Tom DeLay is still in office, Osama bin Laden is still on the loose, and American Idol is still on the air. Stop the madness.

Here's the buzz around the Liberal Coalition:

  • All Facts and Opinions notes the passing of a true pioneer for gay rights.
  • archy orders deli.
  • Bark Bark Woof Woof looks at Daddy Dearest Dobson.
  • BlogAmY has a question for you.
  • bloggg has tenants in the birdhouse.
  • Chris has tidbits of news, including weather in Fresno.
  • Collective Sigh on the Ugly Baby syndrome.
  • Corrente on the pursuit of the science of the Middle Ages.
  • NTodd reveals why the Tonight Show never returned his phone calls.
  • Echidne is fair and balanced.
  • edwardpig continues his look at Republican family values.
  • First Draft reports on fair pay at Wal-Mart.
  • The Fulcrum on "self-defense" in Fallujah.
  • The Gamer's Nook discovers that Satan is really from Italy... or southwest Michigan, if you go by area code.
  • Happy Furry Puppy uses Pat Robertson for a chew toy.
  • iddybud reflects on faith.
  • In Search of Telford on the mindset against biofuels.
  • The Invisible Library writes on reading.
  • Left is Right has a recruiting poster for the real Army.
  • Make Me a Commentator has fun with math.
  • MercuryX23 continues his dissection of the Big 10.
  • Michael reams out NPR.
  • Pen-Elayne takes a stroll downtown.
  • Rook's Rant is about the attack on America by religious fanatics.
  • rubber hose has some winning pictures.
  • Scrutiny Hooligans on the open-mindedness of one particular church.
  • SoonerThought does some accounting.
  • Speedkill on TM and reducing cancer.
  • Steve Gilliard reports on the British elections.
  • T. Rex gets a little well-deserved glory.
  • Trish asks a good question...who gets your e-mail after you die?
  • Wanda tackles Pat Robertson.
  • WTF is here in Florida.
  • Steve is stunned by tasers.

    That's all for now. Keep on reading.