Have a great weekend. It’s Greek Orthodox Easter on Sunday, so, to quote the immortal Henry Blake, “Happy Athens.”archy has a new cat. Bark Bark Woof Woof takes a historical look at the Bush presidency. blogAmY has a warning. bloggg has a podcast on adults with autism. Collective Sigh takes on the wingers on immigration. Dohiyi Mir pays tribute to Scott Crossfield. Echidne views the latest winger virginity rite with alarm. the farmer goes fishin’. FDL invites you to stop lurking and say something. First Draft reports on the Dems meeting up in New Orleans. Happy Furry Puppy has some hot links. iddybud speaking generally. Left Is Right gets a letter from Sen. Feinstein. Lefty talks about his manhood. Liberty Street on the job of a journalist. Make Me a Commentator on Ann Coulter’s latest screed. Musing’s musings follows up on the case of the gay student expelled from college. Pen-Elayne looks to the skies.... Rook’s Rant on the plague – the real stuff. rubber hose does some translating of the “smoking gun” documents. Science and Politics has some advice for the end times for a blog. Scrutiny Hooligans on the rise and rise of oil prices. Sooner Thought on the top ten. Speedkill goes dating. Steve Gilliard on the new recruits. T. Rex has some things you should be doing. The Countess cuts back on blogging – not permanently, though. The Invisible Library goes to Atlanta but leaves a message. Wanda shares a story. WTF Is It Now?? on Fitzmas in July. The Yellow Doggerel Democrat wonders why his e-mail is acting up.... ...You Are A Tree on the Oxford Research Group on the wisdom of invading Iran.
Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.